Saturday 25 January 2014

Silent Betrayal Synopsis: Gabriel


The film opens with a brief montage. Shots vary in length and in the type of images they convey. The first image is of a missing girls poster. We presume that this the protagonist Lucy. The montage continues showing images of the girl and finishes with a news correspondent reporting outside the school of the girl.

The opening credits finish and a establishing shot of a urban London skyline denotes the train station. We cut straight to the protagonist Lucy leaving the Westbourne Park tube station. We are then shown 3 men discussing amongst themselves there abduction plan which can been seen by the various images of Lucy. One of the abductors is asked if his men on the ground are in postion and he is of told to send a text message to Lucy. The camera cuts back to Lucy  walking down a street. She looks at her phone where a text message reads "I'm down the alleyway come and meet me." She walks down toward the alleyway where the camera cuts again this time to a man whose sitting in his car and speaking into a walkie talkie "she's heading your way." Back to Lucy and she approaches the alleyway where she greets her boyfriend. They hug one anouther and he proclaims she missed him. However little does she know that her boyfriend is used as a decoy and a man runs up behind her and knocks her out. She is budled into the boot and the final shot of the sequence ends with a shot of her dad ringing her phone. 

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