Sunday 1 December 2013

Silent Betryal Full Sypnosis: Gabriel

Vanishing Acts: Full Synopsis 

Lucy Stephens is the daughter of a wealthy businessman who operates in the Middle East. On a cold winters night Lucy meets her boyfriend who has been absent from her for 2 months. Lucy is prohibited to have boyfriends, which is the reason for why she meets him so far and in such a secluded location as such alleyway, but little does she know that her boyfriend is part of a Middle Eastern terrorist organization who have been plotting to kidnap and hold her for ransom due to her fathers dodgy exploits in the Middle East. She is taken from an alleyway after being set up by her boyfriend and is taken to an unknown location. To all the kidnappers meticulous planning they forgot the phone that Lucy had dropped trying to scrabble out of kidnapping.

Officer Danny McCabe is a chief inspector for the met police. For more than 40 years he’s worked as a detective to solve missing cases one of which included the case of Chloe Pindar who went missing for more than 17 years. McCabe spearheaded the operation but failed to save her from being murdered. Now on his last legs and due to retire he’s on his final case. Partnered by a transfer from the United States, young and brash Leo Riggs the two must find the perpetrators of Lucy Stephens. Starting with the phone that was dropped in the alleyway.

Meanwhile strapped to a chair in a grubby and dirty cell Lucy Stephens sits sulking and crying. The kidnappers discuss amongst themselves the faults that they made and realized that they had dropped the phone of which contains photos of her boyfriend and of his father Abdul Kalama who is the ringleader of the operation.

The partners scan through the contents of the phone and soon discover the photos. Immediately recognizing the face of Abdul Kalama, who’s had previous convictions of preaching Islamic extremism at a rally in South London 4 months ago. However to their dismay they discover that Kalama’s police file has been deleted. This prompts the two men to question the existence of institutional corruption within the Met Police force. However what they are to discover is something more shocking.

Lucy’s been moved to a new location in the Middle East. This is due to the two partners knowing of the abductors identity. The terrorists have a 50 million pound ransom for the release of Lucy. All the money raised will go into a support system that helps to rebuild the lives of many Middle Eastern people who had to suffer at the hands of Lucy’s Fathers oil company. However the partners soon discover that Lucy’s owns the charity where the money is being given into Fathers brother as who is dead, which means all the proceeds are given into the hands of Lucy’s father who has inherited it.

The two men question and probe Lucy’s Father Henry Stephens. They finish the interview and walk out, noticing a picture of the head of the Met Police and Henry. Suspicion begins to grow amongst them and they come to the sudden realization that Henry and The Met Police chief are cousins. It’s apparent that Henry is the orchestrator of this kidnapping “He who has money can buy power” and it becomes clear that Henry has been paying off the chief to delete the files.

Meanwhile news has spread that Henry has been caught in the act. Henry tells of his daughter’s whereabouts and they travel to Dubai. Word has spread amongst the abductors that McCabe and Riggs are in Dubai. Knowing they’ve been compromised the abductors hoist Lucy on the pole of the Burj Khalifa Hotel. Both Riggs and McCabe have killed the crew of 7 who are holding Lucy captive. Riggs goes after Kalama and his son whilst McCabe rescues Lucy. A fistfight ensues at the top of the tower with McCabe overcoming Khalafa and his son who both die when they fall off the building. Meanwhile Lucy is rescued from the top of the building. Lucy informs the two that a bomb is rigged and ready to explode on the Burj Khalifa. The trio finds par shoots on the helipad and jump off the building landing in the Dubai Fountain. The bomb does not go off as there was a mechanical fault but that’s the least of McCabe and Riggs’s worries. As they reach for dry land. McCabe is shot by the Chief Inspector as he saves the life of Lucy. In-turn the constable himself is shot by Riggs.

The camera cuts to the funeral of Danny McCabe. The funeral finishes and the procession disperses leaving Riggs and Lucy together. He states “your safe with me now.” The End.

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