Saturday 15 March 2014

Evaluation Q4: Who would be the audience for your media product? Gabriel Preston

Question 4

A full breakdown of demographics and market segments from the UK film councils survey contends that the thriller genre is the 4th most watched genre of film amoungst the general public of a base of 2,000 people which 53% of that number said they enjoyed watching the genre. A more detailed examination into the figures shows that there are more people of both genders over the age of 35 watching thriller films than of that under the age of 35. 

Since 1995 to 2012 the thriller genre has generated 15 million dollars in revenue for the US box office leap frogging popular genres such as Romantic Comedies and Horror. This is testament to the expansion of the crime subgenre, which is producing more high-octane action than ever before. Our film defiantly incorporates this element mixing tension with action having been influenced by films such as Taken and Man on Fire both of which have been massive success at the box offices. A Crime Thrillers are usually targeted at more mature audiences hence the increase 15% increase in the over 35 category watching Thriller films. Having seen the increase I think that there is an emerging market for the under 35’s and it is for this reason I have made my target audience 15-30 year olds.
Typically a thriller films maintains a 15-year age cert due to its use of strong language and violence. Although in my films opening sequence there is not a lot of that there is more to expect later on as the plot progresses. 

In 2008 Taken drew nearly 150 million dollars in gross profit, its original profit being 26 million dollars. The film conducted extensive market research to inform and engage their target audience something, which is key to the films success. Rated at a 15 cert by the BBFC this movie targeted an audience of 15 plus however it primary focal point looked at 17 year olds and above as the character of Kim is a pre adult who is abducted. The films simple but effective plot and the role Bryan who is the father of his abducted daughter was clever has this allowed producers to market the film to males in particular fathers. Bryan who is middle aged presumably in his 40’s uses his career skills set as an advantage to the extent of saving his daughter. I think that this appeals to men of and between 25-45 because it shows commitment and an interest in protecting your family.

ABC 1 demographic is perhaps the most generic form of profiling audiences via social grades and ages and its what the majority of hollywood films have reverted to in terms of marketing the product to different social grades and age groups which the demographic is based upon. Traditionally the common perception of young men aged between 16-35 would be that they enjoy watching films containing action. Additionally the prominence of males in the film could also be an attractive proposition to males and especially females especially teenagers of the age of 15-21. Our film especially retains this element. Its not just young men but young adults in general are a lot more focused and drawn to intense storylines as there’s a lot of narrative enigma’s in crime films as this is evident right from the start of the film.

What I find stereotypical about crime films is that they are mainly focused on men. With my film Silent Betrayal females can identify with the main protagonist Lucy’s struggle for freedom against her captors, which is fitting to this new image of women in action and thriller films and upsurge in female’s playing major roles in such films. This is why I think that the film could be marketed towards the female under 35 categories. Also the prominence of males in the film could also be an attractive proposition to women also. 

Furthermore looking at the graph shows us that women would prove statiscally the most profitable of the two genders as females tend to go to the cinema on average more than men with 1,168 visiting the cinema over the last 3 months in accordance to the UK film councils cinema attendance frequency from a base representative sample of 16+ people from a concentration of 2,208 people proving that women enjoy the cinema just as much as men do. This could allow us to market our film more towards females as Lucy is the main protagonist in our film and she would be the who the audience could identify with and root for.

To conclude my film will target the ages of 15-30 of both sexes. This is a film, which does contain a mixture of elements that appeal to the conventions of the genre. The films incorporation of high-octane action could make it I think a favorite amoungst those who are over the age and between the age’s of 15-30. The inclusion of a young cast with the exception of 2 or 3 characters who are over 40 will be an extra incentive for the audience that I am trying to attract whom are teenagers.

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