Sunday 2 February 2014

Film Audiences

Thriller Audiences 

The typical thriller audience consists of people who enjoy the thrill of suspense, trepidation and anticipation. A national survey conducted by the Metro reported that predominantly males aged between 18-24 watch thriller films. This means that the supply for thriller films with a young male protagonist that is full with action has increased as the demographic begins to change. 
The thriller film gender profile is a survey conducted also by the metro. it reveals a 14% increase in the number of women watching thrillers than men. The figure is testament to the film industry diversifying and commercialising the image of women in contempary cinema which is dependent on the sub genre's particuliarlly in the crime and psychological thriller subgenre as women tend to enjoy the complex narratives of such films. 

General Film Audience Statistics 

This is a screenshot from the UK film councils annual survey which shows the types of filmsthat people enjoy watching with the survey breaking down the different genres of film. What the table suggests is that people generally enjoy comedy films, then action films, drama films and thriller/suspense behind it. These 4 genre's seem most popularwith Uk based consumers. However it is comedy films which draws in the biggest audience with 64% of the Uk population enjoyin them more than any other films. 

As we can read from the table, a full analysis of demographics and market segments of film displays that women on average tend to watch more films than that of men. Female's attend the cinema more than men aswell with there preffered choice of genre to be romantic comedies. In terms of thriller films 45% and 60% of women over the age and below the age of 35 watch more thrillers than the 36% and 57% of men. Thats a 12% increase in women watching our preffered genre of choice to analyse. 

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