Sunday 2 February 2014

MTF Silent Betryal Thriller genre review

Silent Betryal Thriller genre review

There is a big age range of people, both genders that like Crime films,due to this i will need to take in the traits of a thriller that will attract my desired audience. I will also need to take into consideration the target audienc who watch Thriller films not only Crime films.  Crime thrillers are usually targeted to a mature audience due to the strong language and scenarios (for example – Murders)

Crime Drama Target Audience are usually aimed at both females and males.The males interest the females as males stereotypically are involved in the crime and the female actresses attract the males as they find the females attractive therefore stereotypically they would watch the film (eg ; Fem Fatal). The certificate is usually 15 therefore that is where the target audience age range begins from. Both females and males find crime drama’s interesting which consists of a range group from 16- 40.So Crime Drama target audiences are females and males aged 16-40years old.

Thriller Target Audience Thriller films interest young adults as they find the plots interesting, they like feeling the suspense and mystery. Thriller films are usually certificated 15 due to the content of the film being violent and frightening. Most thrillers appeal to 15-21 year olds. Thrillers also appeal to both females and males. Males are interested in thrillers due to the action as they like to see something that gets their heart beating, and females are usually attracted to thriller because they like to watch something that plays questions in their heads, wondering what will happen next.

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