Wednesday 5 February 2014

MTF Thriller Audience

Thriller Audiences have always felt two main entertainment feelings when watching a thriller..... suspense and tension. Both of these themes make the audience sit on their seats to the very end of the film ensuring that the review of the film is positive comments because they were entertained all the way throughout the film. 

Our film was a psychological thriller which was set with dramatic themes which made our film so realistic. This type of conflict is often between the characters is often played on the mentality of a person. It distributes emotion as well which cause the thriller to be realistic and sets the genuine theme of the film. 

There is always a plot with psychological thrillers this plot is the need to always unravel the great "Mystery" this plot can go on for the entire duration of the movie causing the audience to always be entertained by the movie. Psychological Thrillers is the best suitable sub genre for our film as it attracts teenagers aged 16-19 and can attract much maturer audiences. Examples of psychological thrillers are "shutter island".  typeThis type of thriller the conflict between the characters is often mental and emotional rather than physical which would attract perhaps a female audience slightly more than a male audience. Psychological thrillers also have some kind of mystery to work out and there can also be an element Althof horror in them as some can be very disturbing. Therefore would attract an older, more intelligent audience because if the audience were not able to work it out, they might find it boring. Examples of psychological thrillers include Shutter islandPhone BoothBlue Velvet and Suspicion.  of thriller the conflict between the characters is often mental and emotional rather than physical which would attract perhaps a female audience slightly more than a male audience. Psychological thrillers also have some kind of mystery to work out and there can also be an element of horror in them as some can be very disturbing. Therefore would attract an older, more intelligent audience because if the audience were not able to work it out, they might find it boring. Examples of psychological thrillers include Shutter AislandPhone BoothBlue Velvet and Suspicion. 
This type of thriller the conflict between the characters is often mental and emotional rather than physical which would attract perhaps a female audience slightly more than a male audience. Psychological thrillers also have some kind of mystery to work out and there can also be an element of horror in them as some can be very disturbing. Therefore would attract an older, more intelligent audience because if the audience were not able to work it out, they might find it boring. Examples of psychological thrillers include Shutter islandPhone BoothBlue Velvet and Suspicion. This type of thriller the conflict between the characters is often mental and emotional rather than physical which would attract perhaps a female audience slightly more than a male audience. Psychological thrillers also have some kind of mystery to work out and there can also be an element of horror in them as some can be very disturbing. Therefore would attract an older, more intelligent audience because if the audience were not able to work it out, they might find it boring. Examples of psychological thrillers include Shutter islandPhone BoothBlue Velvet and Suspicion. This type of thriller the conflict between the characters is often mental and emotional rather than physical which would attract perhaps a female audience slightly more than a male audience. Psychological thrillers also have some kind of mystery to work out and there can also be an element of horror in them as some can be very disturbing. Therefore would attract an older, more intelligent audience because if the audience were not able to work it out, they might find it boring. Examples of psychological thrillers include Shutter islandPhone BoothBlue Velvet and Suspicion. 

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