Monday 4 November 2013

Audience and ideas for own film

A psychological Thriller would appeal to a more older person this is because the plot of the film portrayed in a mature manner the content of the film aswell as the way the actors act. 

The audience that is suitable for me to target are minors, weather this be teenagers or young children, they will be able to watch my film due to the content of it being that of a PG (Parent Guidance) which is the legal law that they are allowed to vew my film. 

My target audience means that the content of my film cannot be graphic or mature, because it would surpass my age guidance i have set for the film.The content of my film will be viewable for anyone this means that the opening sequence wont be a intense opening to the film instead it will be a more lenient and intresting opening.

My thriller film will be a psychological thriller, the conclusion in Alan Hitchocks Psycho has influeneced me to produce a film just like this one. The countless trend of enigmas make the movie seem very unpredictable. 

We cannot say what will happen in the end due to the ongoing plots of the movie. The audience i will be attracting are minors this is because i want to have some comedy in my psychological thriller so that it can appeal to them in many ways more than just being seen as a movie it can be seen as a psychological thriller which evoles in humor almsot like a sub genre you could call it. I will be making the conventions of this film superb with the mise en scene being a specific tone the lighting being high key and the score being violent but low so that the constant mood of the film is seen as being unpredictable , the audience will not know when something will happen or what will happen.

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