Tuesday 5 November 2013

Silence of the Lambs Poster Analysis

One of my synopsis is 'Silence of the lamb so i have decided to analyses the poster. 
The title of this film, the women’s eyes and parts of the butterfly are shown in red. The colour red has connotations to death, evil, blood and violence. By using these colour’s on the film poster they have gave the audience an insight into what type of film it is going to be.

The look on the girls face appears innocent and relates to the word ‘lamb’ in the title. Lambs have connotations with God and purity. The butterfly over the girl’s mouth also refers to the title ‘the silence of the lambs’ as it is preventing the women from speaking. 
The butterfly however is not an ordinary butterfly it has a skull on the back of its head. Skulls have connotations to death. Meaning that whatever is ‘silencing the lambs’ is going to be violent.

The poster uses black and white to show Good vs. Evil. The women are shown in white meaning that she is possibly the hero/victim in the film. The black background seems mysterious as it appears to engulf part of the women’s face. This could refer to the women being ‘brought to the dark side’ or the darkness coming to get her.

Overall I think this film poster does a good job of showing the typical conventions of a thriller film.

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