Monday 25 November 2013

Shooting Schedule

Date: 02/11/2013

Time: 9:20pm-11

Shots: 1-4

Actors: Mr Hobbs ( TV Corespondent)

Crew: Gabriel Preston (Camera); Simeon Onaji (Director) Clifford Williams (Props) Matthew TF (Props)

Costume And Props: Microphone for Mr Hobbs

Equipment: Camera, DV tape, Tripod

Potential issues: At 10:50 The bell goes for break so we will need to halt filming  due to large number of students that will be in the area. Also we are filming outside so changing weather may cause continuity issues.

Risk Assessment: Low but we are filming in school where students are rushing around constantly so we need to ensure that the tripod is placed in such a way that nobody trip hazard for passer-by.

 Date: 08/11/2013

Time: 6:00-6:45

Shots: 7-18


Jerome Totimeh (Abductor 1)
Yapheth Tamerat (Abductor 2)
Clifford Williams (man on phone) 
Danny Ready (Boyfriend)
Joyce Guray (Lucy Stephens)

Crew: Gabriel Preston (Camera/Director) Clifford Williams (Acting/Sound) Matthew TF (Props and Photography) Simeon Onaji (Editing)

Costume And Props: Leather Gloves, Phone, Balaclava's, Car

Equipment: Camera, DV tape, Tripod, Microphone

Potential issues: Lighting could be a problem as it gets dark early at 4:00. Our filming could be misconstrued for a actual crime happening as we are kidnapping somebody.

Risk Assessment: Low we need to ensure that all equipment is visible to ensure that no members of public are hurt. 

Date: 06/11/2013

Time: 11:10-12:30

Shots: 9-11


Corey Parchment (Commander)
Matthew Thomas Forrester (Young Chief)

Crew: Gabriel Preston (Director of Photography) Clifford Williams (Sound and Photography) Matthew TF (Acting and Props) Simeon Onaji (Assistant Director/Editor)

Costume And Props: Step Ladder, map, photo's, computer
Equipment: Camera, DV tape, Tripod, Microphone

Potential issues: Unavailability of rooms. We could disrupt lessons. Some of our actors might be in lessons.

Risk Assessment: Medium- We have a step ladder to achieve a transition from high angle shot to Low angle. We need to make sure its secure and out of the way of filming and of our actors. 

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