Saturday 16 November 2013

Draft script 1

Below is the first draft of our script, we decided to go with my synopsis 4: the kidnapping which rotates around a girl being kidnapped or possibly killed by a psychopathic stalker and the attempts of detectives trying to find her. The reason we decided to proceed with this synopsis is the fact that it is realistic and more in line with the target audience which we are aiming our film at. We also feel that we can create more enigma in the opening sequence of synopsis 4 as opposed to the other synopsis which is a fundamental must for our film. however we are acutely aware of how common our idea is with regard to movies of this type so we will attempt to differentiate from films of this types by doing a series of cross cutting between the actual crime happening and and aftermath as detectives search for evidence linking to the crime. below is the first draft of our script. there was a number of acrimonious debate on Thursday regarding what should appear on the script. not everyone are as yet on the same page and i will strive to iron out our difference in the next lesson so the final script can be created and we can begin creating our story board.


the film starts with an over-black background and the voice of a news reporter talking about the missing Lucy Stephens. White text will appear over the black background giving names of the actors/actress.


It is been two weeks since the missing Lucy Stephens
was last seen, walking home from school.

Over-black background replaced with video of news reader speaking, the possible news reader is me or a female.


Police are arguing anyone with information to 
come forward

Camera zoom in on the picture of Lucy Stephens in the background initiating a graphic match.


Camera zoom off Lucy Stephens face completing the graphic match, imported text over the screen will ready "two weeks ago" to notify the audience as to when the crime happened. video show Lucy laughing and walking with her friend. camera cuts to over the shoulder/ point of view shot of a stalker watching her. she hugs her friend goodbye.

see you tomorrow. today was  fun
yeah, lets do that again! anyways see ya tomorrow

she starts walking and puts on her earphone (news sound track comes on) camera cuts to to stalker watching her with phone on his hand. Lucy turns a corner and message appears on her phone. she stops to look at her phone which read "i am watching you" camera zoom in on the text.


She looks around her but sees nobody, camera cuts to antagonist watching her. quick montage and camera cuts to new scene


Lucy's friend is talking to a detective. she looks very upset.

can you think of any reason why anyone would
want to harm Lucy
Lucy is an amazing girl who gets along well with everyone
i can't think of any reason or who would want to harm her.


Camera does a quick montage back to Lucy walking. she hears a footstep behind her and turn around quickly, emphasized by a quick panning shot, however all she saw was was a shadow, of someone moving to the other side of the street emphasized by a whooshing sound. she begins to walk faster. she press her hand bag close to her body inferring that she is scared. she hears footstep behind her again and turned around. this time she sees a guy following her, he is wearing hoodie so  the audience can't see him. she starts to run at the same time dialed 999 on her phone and put the phone to her ear.

hello! help!

the antagonist punch her head, emphasized by a punching sound. The screen goes black. voice of Lucy's friend via the over black screen saying:

Lucy please come back, we miss you!

echo of "miss you" carries on to the end of opening sequence.


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