Sunday 3 November 2013

The Sypnosis of Crime Films

Sypnosis 1: Rellick 

Set in the gritty urban backdrop of the Trellick Tower estate in West London. The film follows young and budding drug dealer Jay G (Clifford Williams) navigate his way through the estate on Halloween. A night where the police have no control over what occurs between the border that divides two feuding gangs. The border also known as the rellick split is a key area that is a cluster for drug addicts, a gold mine for dealers. Along with his fellow friend DB (Mathew Thomas) both must over come obstacles to deliver a package to the split even If it means killing, extorting and torturing. Little does Jay G know that his best friend DB is infact a police informant and has been building up a repotoire of crimes against Jay G. Jay G escapes from DB after he's admitted being a informant and trying to steal the package. His boss whose expecting the package has found out about Jay G's predictment assuming he's a informant sends a hit out on him and DB. Both must put the loyalties aside for the sake of survival. Once brothers are now enmies.

15+ age rating 

Sypnosis 2:  God Told Me Too

A psychological film noir type crime thriller film. The film revolves around a serial killer and a detective. Society is changing. Social media is becoming more relevant and important evolving and changing its become a religon to some people. This creates a generation of outspoken people. Religon is being forgotten lost and disenfranchised in this society of outspoken people. Each year one person is killed on the same month, on the same day and on the same time. These murders are based on the 10 commandments (not in chronological order). The rise of sites such as twitter has led to prominent speakers against religous concepts in particular the ten commandments. Each person who has spoken out against religon has died. Detective John Glover retired after his wife Jenny was murdered for commenting on the existence of God on sites such as facebook and twitter when she suffered a miscarrage for the second time. Her husband John is a Dectevive for the met police and retired after the death of Jenny.  Confused and on the verge of suicide he comes out of retirement after the supposed commandment killer has handed himself in. He interviews the commandment killer whom talks explicetly of the illicite string of murders he has committed against the 9  people. He talks about Jenny describing her on the night that she was murdered. Toying with the mentally and psycologically implicated John. The commandment killer is not finished with his work. John's daughter Katy is a blogger and journalist who makes regular appearences in the press and is a critic against religon. Its the same month, same day when his wife was killed and when the commandment killer talks about his daughter John has 2 hours to locate and save her based on the information provided by the commandment killer. 

18+ age rating 

Sypnosis 3: Training Day 

Training day follows the day in the life of ambitious rookie LAPD cop Jake Hoyt who hopes to turn detective by riding under the wing of the charasmatic, charming but rutheless and crooked experienced detective Alonso. For Jake to make it into the big leagues he must prove himself to Alonso by spending the day with him. Jake's first encounter with crime comes in the early hours of the morning. He confiscates a bag of Marjuiana from the helpless hands of 4 young university students in a rough part of town. After seizing the drugs he his made to smoke it by Alonso who puts a gun to his head. This is essentially framing him. After passing out for the duration of the trip in the car he his awoken in compton to adminitrate and bear witness to Alonso's extrotion of a young women's house. A false warrant is found and the pair are shot at by some gangbangers who find out that they are cops. 

The duo then arrive at a restaurant to visit Alonzo's Salvadoran mistress Sara and their young son. Afterward, Alonzo meets with a group of high-ranking police officials dubbed the "Three Wise Men" They tell Alonzo they know he owes money to the Russians and suggest that he leave town. But Alonzo insists he can control the situation and gets permission from the Wise Men to "cash in on an account". Alonzo tells the wise men that he knows of a local drug dealer by the name of sandman whom he can easily obtain the money from. Alonzo takes Jake and several other narcotic officers to the home of Roger (Glenn), a drug dealer and former police officer the two visited earlier. Using the warrant, they seize several million dollars from underneath the floor of Roger's kitchen, but Jake refuses to take his share of the cash.

Alonso then kills sandman and arranges the scene to appear like a justified shooting. Jake refuses to lie, and after being threatened seizes Alonzo's shotgun. A standoff ensues, with Jake threatening to shoot Alonzo while the other officers threaten to shoot Jake. Alonzo then reveals that the LAPD will run a blood test on Jake following the shooting. Alonzo offers to have the test results falsified in exchange for Jake's cooperation. Jake reluctantly agrees. Alonzo then drives Jake to the home of a gangster named "Smiley" (Curtis), allegedly to run an errand. Alonzo gives Smiley a package of money, while Jake reluctantly plays poker with Smiley and two other gang members. Jake engages in tense conversation with the three men before Smiley reveals to Jake that Alonzo has abandoned him, and explains Alonzo's situation: by midnight, Alonzo must pay $1 million to the Russian mob for killing one of their couriers in Las Vegas or be killed himself.

Jake realizes too late that Alonso has paid Smiley to kill him and is subdued and dragged to the shower, but the men find the wallet he had picked up earlier from the girl he rescued, who is Smiley's cousin. Smiley calls the girl, who confirms that Jake defended her against the attackers earlier on in gratitude for protecting his cousin, Smiley lets Jake go. Jake returns to Sara's apartment looking for Alonzo. He attempts to arrest Alonso, but Alonso resists and they fight. Jake eventually subdues him, after which the local gang members and residents begin congregating to watch. Alonzo tries to get the crowd on his side by offering a reward to whoever kills Jake, but they have grown tired of Alonzo's arrogance and allow Jake to walk away with the money. Sypnosis taken from wikipedia 

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