Wednesday 27 November 2013


TV reporter:  
                                                                                                                                             Mr Hobbs is ideal as he looks as a news reporter will,smartly dressed middle aged,therefore he will fit this role.A news reporter has to look middle aged also as Mr Hobbs will be an available adult during media lessons he is reliable.                                                                                                                        

Lucy Stephens:
no.1 Joyce is ideal as she firstly is very reliable ,which is helpful as she can film certain scenes in school with us also she will always be available .Lucy Stephens is supposed to be about 16/17 and Joyce looks like the usual 16/17 year old Joyce will be dressed in normal clothing ,black leggings and a jacket etc. costume isn't really a problem in this role as its pretty standard

Lucy Stephens No.2: Bria daley,is second place due to certain factors such as availability ,bria doesn't go to gunnersbury (our school) so therefore any scenes needed to be played in school will be a problem ,additionally bria also lives pretty far away from westbourne park station where most of our filming takes place but nether the less bria looks like the usual 16/17 year old and will therefore be considered our actor if Joyce has any problems.

Boyfriend(1) :Clifford is an ideal character as he is available during school times also lives walking distance to westbourne park ,also Clifford is a great actor and has experience as a boyfriend ,Clifford also is very reliable , costume for Clifford role will include all black tracksuit which is normal attire for teenagers nowadays.therefore he will fit this role perfectly.                        

Danny Ready may become the boyfriend as Clifford may play another role in the film such as a bystander ,Danny is available at all times and also attends gunnersbury and therefore may be ideal additionally to be the boyfriend you just need to be a teenager.

Corey and Yaphet will be the abductors and they both are available in free periods ideal for scenes that can be filmed in school.also corey and yaphet live in the labroke grove area which is only a few minutes away from westbourne park station where our main scene takes place ,therefore they are available due to the fact it is a walking distance from their homes.Corey and Yaphet will both be wearing similar clothing which is most likely to be black on black tracksuits.They both fit the roles of the kidnappers as they can dress up and look in their late teens,also they both have voices which sound creepy enough to play this role.

Corey is pictured on the left and Yaphet is on the right of the picture.

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