Saturday 16 November 2013

Film Idea's: Opening sequence 'Passion Kills' :Gabriel

Passion Kills Opening Sequence

The film opens with an establishing shot of an urban London skyline, quickly moving to an estate corridor where Jenny Walsh is about to light a cigarette over the railings. She receives a phone call and subsequently drops her cigarette. The phone call is from her boss whose informing her that she begins her shift waiting tables in two hours. She sighs and returns back into her flat. The camera cuts to Jay Pierce getting off the tube, and leaving the station.

The camera moves back to jenny packing a bag full of her clothes. She checks the times for trains leaving for Bristol temple meads and the camera moves back to Jay whose gotten off a bus where the camera focuses up at a tower block. He walks down an alleyway towards a man holding a briefcase, as he comes towards the man Jay is approached from behind. A gun is drawn from to his head. He’s told to get on the ground and drop the bag. He starts to bellow and contemplates why he made the decision to go ahead with the plan. He knew that he would be set up or that undercover cops would arrest him, and as he lies on the ground the bag is searched. Small capsules containing white powder are discovered. He’s told to cover his eyes as he would be killed however the contents of the brief case containing the money is dropped on the floor as he begs for his life and the bag containing the drugs is taken. The dealer’s leave and one of them states “my boy needs a schoolbag” and the two proceed away laughing. He gets up looks around and begins to shove the money into his jacket. 

Meanwhile Jenny concerned about the time is looking at her watch as Jay arrives back at the flat. Jay drops the 500,000k onto the table and smiles declaring that he’s got the money to pay the loan shark for next week, she smiles as well but calls him idiot for walking around with such a large sum of money cash. She is hit for mocking him but he is quick to say sorry and declares that they go and celebrate. He takes a shower and this gives Jenny a opportunity to leave, she takes the money and looks at a picture of the two and exits the flat, however she forgot that she had saved the details of her escape plan on the laptop. Jay finishes his shower and realizes that she has left with the money. He throws a violent tantrum and begins to kick his clothes. Meanwhile Jenny is at Paddington station and a shot of the screen boards show the timetables for her train to Bristol closing the scene.  

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