Thursday 21 November 2013

Script Draft 3: Gabriel

Sequence opens with a montage and quick cuts of pictures and posters containing the face of the missing girl. By using montages and quick cuts we aim to suggest to the audience that the film will be based around this missin girl. By using montges depicting efforts being made to find her we hope to create a sense of sadness and sorrow for the young girl. Our first shots in the opening sequence will include credits that accompany the visual images.

Ext. Outside school. Day. (montage shot)

TV Correspondent 
Lucy Stephens went missing 3 days ago. She was a pupil here at Gunnersbury and was last seen in Westbourne Park. 

Ext. Mid Day. Westbourne Park 

Over black background with non diegetic sound of trains, cuts to a establishing shot that over looks London skyline and in the station. The camera will do an over the shoulder shot lucy coming out of the station to create the impression that she's being watched. Cuts again to a over black background with text that says "Westbourne Park 4:04 pm." Camera cuts to lucy walking down a road. 

Int. Mid Day. Room

Camera cuts to a room with guys in it. Shots of maps, schedules and images of lucy circulate. the guys are discussing amoungst themselves. We presume they are abductors. 

Abductor 1
Are your boys in position?

Abductor 2 
(nud his head)

Abductor 1
Good send the text to her 

Ext. Mid day. Street/alleyway 

She recieves the message thinking its her boyfriend. "meet me in the alleyway." She walks down the street towards the alleyway. 

Int. Mid day. Car

Camera cuts to man in car he speaks into his phone

Abductor 3
"She coming your way"
Ext. Mid day. Alleyway 

Camera tracks and pans her walking into the alleyway where she is greeted bu her boyfriend. They both embrace each other.

(he smiles) 
Hey Baby ive missed you. 
as he hugs her he makes the signal for the abductor to intercept 

I've missed you too. where are you taking me tonight 

At that point she is knocked out 

Somewhere special

Her unconcious body is bundled into the boot of the car and she is taken away

Last shot of her phone on the floor. Her mother rings. 

Screen cuts to over black background with texts on screen giving the name of the film:
"The Abduction"

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