Saturday 23 November 2013

MTF Equipment & Props

Throughout our meda project we used various props to complete our film to the best of our ability. We had to borrow many props from School which we was able to use to our full advantage.

The following props we use were-

Macbook Pro- Edited the final footage using this laptop.

Video Recorder-Recorded our film with this prop, it was not 'High Definition' but we was still able to use it.

Lighting- The lighting was used to make up for the poor level of footage on the video camcorder.

Tripod-We used this to mount our video recorder on to keep the footage of our film still. This enhanced the quality of our footage.

Costumes-The costumes our characters wore was what a teenager would be seen everyday to wear. However we made some of the clothing Dark.This added to our theme of our convention which was to add an enigma to our film entertaining the audience all the way throughout.

Pictures-We used this to add an enigmatic effect to our film. The pictures. of our Female protaganist Lucy Stephens  made the audience guess what was happening and how it linked with the story.

Mobile Phone- This was when our prop which Clifford used to make the call to Gabriel about the order to abduct Lucy was in plan.

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