Thursday 28 November 2013

Equiptment,Costumes and Props.

- Camera-Use to shoot our film
- Tripod- Used to hold the camera
- Lighting - create the effect of darkness and shadows. We used a torch and dark curtains to block out unwanted natural light.
- Mac - upload the footage to the Mac and to transfer things to the blog.
- Final Cut Pro - edit the footage filmed on camera.
-Live type for the title of the film.
Costumes: The main Character will need to wear casual clothes, ones that do not show any particular individuality, so that audiences will be able to relate to her and think that she appears to be a normal girl.
- Jeans, pumps, plain jacket and a plain top.
-The antagonist will need to wear something dark, dark colors are associated with evil and mystery which is something we want to get across to our audience. They will also be required to wear hoodies so as there face does not show.

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