Monday 18 November 2013

Script draft 2

 The opening sequence will begin with a montage and quick cuts of pictures and posters containing the face of  Lucy Stephens. by using montages and quick cuts we aim to suggest to the audience that the film will be based around this missing girl. By using  montages depicting efforts being made to find her, we hope to create a sense of sadness and sorrow for the young missing girl. Our first scene will be a series of shots of missing posters of the girl combined with production credits that will quickly fade into the next scene via graphic match, the camera will zoom in fast on one of the Lucy Stephens pictures to start the graphic.

the camera will zoom out of a newspaper containing a Lucy Stephens photo to complete the graphic match. video of a student holding the newspaper. the front page is titled "missing school still not found". The student looks up at a video on his laptop which shows a TV outside the girl's school. another graphic match will lead us to the next scene.


This was the last place Lucy Stephens was seen before she
went missing. police are requesting anyone with information to come forward.

Cut via white transition to the next scene

 imported text over the screen will ready "two weeks ago" to notify the audience as to when the crime happened. Video shows Lucy walking home, camera cuts to to stalker watching her with phone on his hand. audience are unable to see his face due to his hoody. Lucy turns a corner which is done via match on action  and a message appears on her phone. she stops to look at her phone which read "i am watching you" camera zoom in on the text.
She looks around her but sees nobody, camera cuts to antagonist watching her. quick montage and camera cuts to new scene.
 Students holding balloons with Lucy's name on it and small message releases it into the sky.
where ever you are Lucy we hope you are safe
 Camera cuts to next scene
Video shows to Lucy walking. she hears a footstep behind her and turn around quickly, emphasized by a quick panning shot, however all she saw was was a shadow, of someone moving to the other side of the street emphasized by a whooshing sound. she begins to walk faster. she press her hand bag close to her body inferring that she is scared. she hears footstep behind her again and turned around. this time she sees a guy following her, he is wearing hoodie so  the audience can't see him. she starts to run at the same time dialed 999 on her phone and put the phone to her ear.
hello! help!
the antagonist punch her head, emphasized by a punching sound. The screen goes black. with white text appearing over the black stating the movies title. "A year in my life"

End of opening sequence.

The is draft 2 of our opening sequence script as you may have noticed from it, we made some important changes from the first draft which we felt was too cliche and have been used too many times. An important difference between this draft and the first draft was the first three scenes in the opening sequence, we completely cut out the news reader speaking and replaces it with montages and pictures of Lucy, one of the reason we made this important change to the script was due to the fact that we felt there was too much dialogue going on, we wanted to focus more on building enigma and thriller convention which we believe can be achieved with the new ideas we have introduced. however we incorporated a news correspondent into the new draft. moreover we are going to concentrate more on montages and hints in the opening sequence, this is aimed at building more enigmas and more importantly to differentiate our film from the usual ones of this type. the third and final script which will be done by Gabriel Prseston will aim to have have any changes to the script done and dusted.

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