Sunday 3 November 2013

Opening Sequences and Audience


The purpose of an opening sequence is for it to establish the mood and visual character of a film. The opening sequence of  London To Brighton brings the audience into the films reality already, the dark mood at the start the loud sound makes the audience expect something really dramatic to open up the film. The key texts in London to Brighton is not like any normal film setting! The film is not set in chronological order instead it is set from a turning point in the film this effect causes the director  to bring in action straight away from the get go of the opening scene... creating an enigma which causes the audience to question the motive behind a young women and girl hiding out in a toilet in discomfort. 
The common techniques and conventions used are medium shots, close up shots, long shots and zoom shoots aswell as mise en scene(high key/low key) and sound (asynchronous,pleonastic). The most Frequent technique used is tracking shot which encircles the character and follows them throughout the sequal. Titles are used to create a audience awarness these are made very big or in a specific manner on purpose. For example the batman title is made big to create a suspense so the audience is excited to view this film and have a huge anxiety for it.
The above will make me add a lot of cinematography to my film so the audience get a feel that they are in the film and our experiencing what is going on in the film aswell. Also it is important my title creates excitment so the audience can have a great anxiety for my film and howpfully i will be able to surpass there expectations.

Horror would appeal to any audience apart from children this is because horros are rated 18 which isnt suitable for children to watch and not every child can handle the psychological drama of viewing a horror. However this causes many teenagers to go and view horror films illegally so the audiece changes sometimes. The audience i would recommed see horrors are 18+ because you have couples who go to the cinema to see films, a group of freinds and many other people. Horror sequals always cause new audiences to view thr film as the rating for the previous sequal is high rated such as Jeepers Creepers 3

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