Wednesday 27 November 2013

Location Research: Gabriel

The setting for our opening sequence to the film is in and around the area of Westbourne Park to Golbourne Road in West London. The reason why we chose to shoot in this area instead of other area's such as Brentford and Hanwell is because our team feel that this location is a easy, accessible and convenient for both the team and actors to reach. The area provides us with a gritty and urban backdrop to really infuse with the events going on screen. Golbourne and Westbourne Park also provide us with different alleyways and streets to use both of which are integral to the opening sequence of the film. What’s also beneficial is that many of the locations that we using are secluded and are often empty and so it is likely that there will not be an onrush of pedestrians. What is also apparent is that each shot that incorporates a different shot is within walking distance and relinquishes us from commuting from spot to spot. In the unlikely event that some of the locations that we have chosen to shoot are unavailable then we have some leverage, as the area is very diverse and can offer a lot of unique and unusual area’s that we feel would suit the film. 

Location 1a 
For our first shot we decided to open the sequence with a establishing shot of Westbourne Park train station with the Trellick Tower Estate in skyline. We feel a establishing shot is essential for setting the tone for the opening seconds of the movie and provides the audience a sense of anticipation for where the action will take place. This shot can be achieved by accessing the rooftop of the North of The Brunel Estate. 

Location 2a 
For our second location we chose to use the exterior of Westbourne Park tube station, as our protagonist Lucy is exiting from there. Westbourne Park tube station is very close to the surronding locactions that we chose to shoot from so this was the most convienient. Westbourne Park can be accessiable via the Hammersmith and City Line, 28 or 23 bus or by walking from Goldbourne or Portobello road. 

Location 3a 
Our third shot will be on the Bosworth road just off of Golbourne Road. This is the location where the car will be positioned to watch Lucy walk into the alleyway. This setting is quite so this will limit the amount of potential disruption. Also this is within walking distance from Westbourne Park which could potentially mean that we could involve most of the shots for the opening sequence of the film. 

Location 4a 
Although it is not visable in the image, the alleyway on Hazelwood Crescent is key to the climax of the film. Hazelwood Crescent will be the scene of the abduction. The alleyway itself is out of harms way from the public so it would make kidnapping Lucy much more easier and leniant in terms of people interfering with the shooting. 

Location 1b
We decided to create more options and oppurtunitys for us in terms of planning the location. Intially we recided over Westbourne Park and Goldbourne however due to faults in our production structure and in our recruitment of reliable cast members we decided to make things more convinient by shooting in and around the grounds of our school. For our first location we chose a opening in a estate off Boston Manor for technical and creative purposes. 

Location 2b
For our second location we will mix our original westbourne park station location with Northfields instead. This is done primarly for convience and urgency in our production.

Location 3b
The 3rd shot of the opening sequence will be that of the Glaxo Smith Clyne building. We will use this building as it is brooding and its exterior is quite intimidating. This will be the location of the kidnappers but not literally. It could also be used as a forshadowing device in the film. 

Location 4b
Yet again the 4th shot will employ and utilise the surrondings of the area. The technicality of this shot is emphasised by the bridge. 

Location 5b
For our 5th location our aim is to emphasise the affluence that exists in the area of Ealing. Some of the houses can be used effectively for technical purposes. 

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