Monday 4 November 2013

London to Brighton Texual analyses

The sequence began with a non-diegetic sound of the movie production company, followed by an animated title of the film funders “UK film council and the national lottery” The fact that this was done in over black does not only diverge from the majority of other thriller movies, Moreover we see the time and location (Tableau) of where the scene will be taken place in over black. We can connote that at that London is very dangerous with stereotypical 'alcoholics or thugs' out. This is denoted by the early time of the morning.

 The over black title is also used at the end of the opening sequence which includes the Film title "London to Brighton. Throughout all of the title scenes it should be noted that no sound is used throughout. This in a way further adds to the suspense and enigma of what is going to happen in the scenes that are to come. The moment the scene starts however, is a loud bang through the door, in an attempt to startle the audience as they possibly didn't expect that to happen.

The actual opening sequence of the film is one of great interest, which can be a very useful technique when actually creating the opening for the thriller. The opening starts off in a non-linear format to automatically let the audience know what is to come and what to expect. The film starts off in a possible event that takes place somewhere near the middle of the film. (This was emphasised by the woman’s black face, it raises questions as to who did that to her.) By doing this for the audience it creates enigmas and suspense for the events that are to come. By the use of enigmas and mystery the question of: who are they running from? And why is the child out at that time obviously stressed by the fact that she could be arrested? All this adds to the suspense, and makes the audience want to continue to watch to find out all of the questions that were brought up. The fact that the girl is so young yet wearing make ups gives us a stereotypical impression as to the type of parents she might have. In addition the fact that they are hiding in a murky and possibly smelly toilet infers to us that they are running away from someone, this was emphasised by the aggressive kinetic movement of the camera. The black eye that is so visible in the woman’s face infers that she may be a victim of domestic abuse therefore suggesting that she is perhaps running away from her husband or boyfriend. We get the feeling that the child is truly terrified when she is in the toilet by herself, the enhanced pleonastic sound of the women shouts add to this.

As the sequence continues the camera is then shot into a point of view shot as a car pulls up towards her. We can connote that the woman may be a prostitute, this is denoted by her cheap clothing and stereotypical short dress. The camera then cuts to a close up of a lock which is then cross cuts between the lock and girl. From the close up of her facial expressions she is worried and timid. The Diegetic banging sounds of the door can be heard as the girl opens the door it is her mother. They exchange diegetic dialogue and she whisks her daughter away from the toilet and takes her to a train station. It is well to point out that the majority of the camera shot in the toilet was either medium or close shot, this emphasising how small the toilet must have been.

The camera cuts to a long shot of the train station, then cuts to a long shot of the train departing the platform finally cuts to a medium shot of the mother and daughter entering the carriage. As the sequence ends the camera then cross cuts between the mother and daughter as they exchange dialogue. The daughter ask "are we going to jail" this may connote that they have been up to no good and leaves the audience on a cliff-hanger as it enters the next scene.

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