Sunday 3 November 2013

overview of thriller genre

What is Thriller one may ask? Thriller is a broad genre of litrature, film, and television programming that uses suspense, tension and excitement as its main elements.  

The history of thriller takes us back to the early 1920's where the notable Lan Hitchock had movie the 'The lodger' produced. Now i know how critical its is for Hitchock as a director to make his movie be filled with suspense and tension because i anaylzed Psycho his mlst famous movie. So already we can tell that thriller is intented for excitment to the audience weather this be done through a  graphic setting or enigma setting the objective of a thriller is evident... to provide suspense and tension for the audience! 

Thriller is used as a paychological attack on the audience the constant use of sound makes the audience on the edge of there seats as they are anxious abput what will happen next.

For example with a murder thriller the sound of a women being stabbed would have a very violent sound behind it, this is used for excitment and awarness. The atmosphere in a thriller is made greater through the use of mise en scene the lighting of films can be made high key on purpose. When the psycho shower scene happend it was high so we could see what was happening and the catasphrophe that was caused from the murder. 

The cinematorgraphy of a thriller plays a big part in giving the genre such a great repuatation, the suspense and tension are seen at a medium close up, a zoom shot or a long shot. All of which allow the characters reactions to be seen, once this is displayed it causes the audience to realise what has occured.

Thriller is divided into several sub genres these are comedy,conspiracy,crime,legal,political,psychological and espionage. All of which provide the sudden rush of emotions, exhilaration and excitement. In many thrillers there is always a plot to be solved and the films narrative construction is dominated by the protagonist point of view. Thriller however does overlap with the sub genres conspiracy and crime which make the films so intresting and engaging to watch because it makes the audience expect a huge amount of excitment at the end of the film, almsot like a cliffhanger you could argue. A hyrbrid created from thriller is horror hybrids such as 'The Fourth Kind'directed by Olutande Osunsami which is a conspiracy thriller. The hybrids make the film unpredictable because the audience never know what they will see more throughtout the film a high tense graphic movie or a suspensful shocking one? 

Overall the thriller genre had seen a huge change from what it once was to now , when Hitchhock and other directors made thriller films they was made for one purpose only... To cause a exciting enigma! 

Now  thrillers have changed from being one main type to a whole range of genres this has caused the suspense and tension to spread and make the movie industry more popular as thriller is one of the worlds most favoured genres. So it is only left for us to answer what else will Thriller evole into?

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